Min Basket

by Norges idrettsforbund



My Basket allows you to quickly and easily access the matches, results and tables. Here you can look up your favorite team, receive notifications of results and game changes and check your calendar for easy and clear view of what is important to you, directly on your mobile.Do you have a profile in My sport, you can login and automatically obtain information about affiliated yourself and your relationships, as a player, coach or trainer. As a judge, you will easily find your judgments mission. You will also get the chance to sign result directly in the app. Could not be simpler!features:• Seek and follow the team• Other players, games, tables and results for teams• Receive notifications about events at the teams you follow• See calendar for when your team must play game• View layer associated with your My sport profile• Watch your judgments assignments and record resultsIt is entirely possible to use My Basket without logging in, but for optimum utilization of the functionality of the app, we recommend that you create a user on http://minidrett.nif.no. You can even create ties to your children and other relations, while there are clubs who are responsible for maintaining the squad and support.